
As a playwright Marina is interested in myth, fantasy, and the mundane. This thematic triangle seems to illuminate the most absurd corners of our society, from the strange pull towards gendered expectation to the lengths we will go to keep and uncover secrets. She is inspired by the works of Adrienne Kennedy, Annie Baker, and the many influencers populating her social media feeds.  

Apple of My Eye

“A couple, a dinner, and a priceless sculpture lost to art history -- what could possibly go wrong?” When Jo brings home a unique (and illegal) surprise, she struggles to hide it from her wife, Billie, who could blow the lid on a project years in the making. A comedy of errors about a couple’s obsession with a art and each other. 

Apple of My Eye was commissioned by Boca Del Lupo Theatre for their project, Plays2Perform@Home -- mail order theatre for the global pandemic. Apple of My Eye can be found in the “Ontario Box Set”, partnered by Factory Theatre. 

“MARRY ME MARRY ME MARRY ME MARRY ME is an absurd fantasy where all your superstitions come true. On the night before her wedding, a Bride questions her absolute fate, trying to retie the generational bond between herself and her mother’s culture. The high-octane comedy explores the genered expectations of weddings and generational connections between mothers and daughters.”

Originally developed at Factory Theatre’s emerging writer’s unit, The Foundry; subsequently workshopped by House + Body Performance Company.